
Journeys In China

Tag: nikon d5100

Off The Beaten Track: The Beijing Opera

Off The Beaten Track: Beijing Opera from Jessica Dowse on Vimeo.

#Phonar: Alienated Sensory Mashup

Ok, this task required us to head out with a partner- one the eyes, one the ears- record- then mash it all together.

Due to visitors and an insane schedule for the past week I have done this today (the day of the class…but I’m 8hrs ahead so i figure it’s not too bad!) really quickly and with not half as much thought as I would have liked to have dedicated to this task.

Nevertheless, it meant I could go get lost in Beijing’s hutongs…the greatest place in the city if you ask me! Feelings wise…. well you always have the sense that you’re lost and caught in a maze of never-ending alleyways. There is a great sense of community and family in the hutongs, there are kids, bikes and dogs everywhere…


#Phonar: Hutong Mashup from Jessica Dowse on Vimeo.




#Phonar: On a step

#Phonar: Baby Spew

#Phonar: In The Square

#Phonar: Chair In Light

#Phonar: Games

#Phonar: Caught

#Phonar: Hanging Light

#Phonar: Corner Cook

#Phonar: Flag sky

Faces of Guizhou

Faces of Guizhou from Jessica Dowse on Vimeo.

Off The Beaten Track: The Dong Songs

Off The Beaten Track: Dong Songs from Jessica Dowse on Vimeo.

Off The Beaten Track: The Stuntman

Off The Beaten Track: The Stuntman from Jessica Dowse on Vimeo.

Off The Beaten Track: The Forgotten Drama

Off The Beaten Track: The Forgotten Drama from Jessica Dowse on Vimeo.

Off The Beaten Track: The Market Collector

Off the beaten track: The market collector from Jessica Dowse on Vimeo.

#Phonar: Journey To Work

This is the first post in a series of a many. I have signed up to an open photography course online…that actually happens in real life at Coventry Uni.

It’s all about storytelling. I guess this is something that I’ve always had trouble with regarding photography…

The first task was to tell the story of your journey to work.

My journey takes two minutes….Past lots of Chinese guards who you’re not allowed to take photos of…and it’s all just concrete and dull.

So after two days of getting shouted at by the numerous men in uniform this is what I have. I’m not totally happy with it…but seen as one of the guards kind of suggested that he should take my camera today I’m giving up and quitting while I’m ahead!

Exit (#Phonar)

Glimpse (#Phonar)

Puddle (#Phonar)

Shadow Legs (#Phonar)

Safe... (#Phonar)

Guarding trees

Guarding trees by Jessica Dowse
Guarding trees, a photo by Jessica Dowse on Flickr.

Nostalgia Nights

Nostalgia Nights by Jessica Dowse
Nostalgia Nights, a photo by Jessica Dowse on Flickr.